Super Corona and PCC Technology
Add On Accessory to Gema Gun
SuperCorona, the Best Solution for Smooth Surfaces
SuperCorona is an add-on accessory that can be easily mounted on any Gema gun.
● It can significantly improve surface quality and powder penetration, both for manual and for automatic guns.
● It can be removed for the powders that don’t need it.

SuperCorona: How Does It Work?
● PCC technology and SuperCorona help to optimize the amount of charges that are needed by each powder.
PCC Mode, the Perfect Control on Powder Charging
Most common powders need the gun to deliver a high level of charging current (10 to 100 μA).
● Special powders (metallic, enamel, two coat / one fire powders) are high-chargeable and require the guns to deliver a lower and well controlled charging current, below 10 μA.
● Gema Precise Current Control (PCC technology) allows to control powder charging very precisely, with a resolution of only 0.5 μA until 10 μA.
● This is the ideal solution to provide the right amount of charges and achieve a much better application quality.