The TQC Impact Test is used to determine the impact resistivity and flexibility of coatings. The dual scale instrument is equipped with a special guidance which assures that the distance between each impact is always according to the standard. For correct positioning a spirit-level is built-in. Each Impact test comes as a complete set (instrument and accessoires) to perform a test according DIN/ISO 6272, ASTM D2794 and ASTM G14
Mandatory test in Qualicoat, QIB and GSB accredited laboratories.
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Item Nos:
TQC Impact Test according to ISO 6272-2 and ASTM D2794
Type: Indirect Impact Tester
Content: Base plate assembly, guide tube, release collar, punch Ø12.7 mm , punch Ø15.9 mm, weight 1 kg, die Ø16.3 mm

TQC Impact Test according to ASTM G14
Type: Direct Impact Tester
Content: Base plate assembly, guide tube, release collar, punch Ø15.9 mm, weight 1.361 kg and a V-notch vise with spring clamp to hold the pipe

TQC Impact Test according to ISO 6272-1
Type: Direct Impact Tester
Content: Base plate assembly, guide tube, release collar, clamp device, ball Ø20 mm, die 27mm, weight 1 kg

TQC Impact Test according to ISO 6272-1 and ASTM D2794 (before 1993)
Type: Direct Impact Tester
Content: Base plate assembly, guide tube, release collar, clamp device, ball Ø20 mm, die 27mm, weight 1 kg, ball Ø15.9 mm, die 16.3mm, weight 0.9 kg

TQC Impact Test according to CSA